
This section is for users who wants to know more about Keihin carburators.
Exploded views of FCR, PE, PWK and PWM series are available to you for download and printing
Each sheet open a new browser window.
Just click on the "print" button of your browser or right-click the links below and chose "Save object as" for downolading a copy on your computer for later use.

Click on the descriptions to start the tour.

PWK28explolink.jpg (5753 byte) eye.gif (274 byte)PWK 28 exploded view and partlist PWK33explolink.jpg (5383 byte) eye.gif (274 byte)PWK 33 exploded view and partlist
PWMexplolink.jpg (5765 byte) eye.gif (274 byte)PWM series exploded view and partlist PEexplolink.jpg (6015 byte) eye.gif (274 byte)PE series exploded view

eye.gif (274 byte)PE series partlist 

FCRexplolink.jpg (6071 byte) eye.gif (274 byte)FCR series exploded view 

eye.gif (274 byte)FCR series partlist

eye.gif (274 byte)FCR float bowls